Are you at Risk?

Trained helpers are available to assist you in finding help.

Sometimes people end up here because they are actually looking for personal help. If someone were to ask you right now if you are having thoughts of suicide, what would your honest answer be? If yes, this is likely a difficult time for you.

By coming to this page, you are taking your thoughts of suicide seriously. Being alone with thoughts of suicide is one thing known to increase the risk of harm or death so you need to find someone to help you.

A suitable helper is someone who:

  • Is comfortable talking about suicide
  • Will work with you to prevent the risk of these thoughts becoming suicidal actions
  • Shows more concern for you than themselves
  • Will not keep the danger of suicide a secret
  • Will want extra help
  • Is honest about how much they can do.

If the first person you approach cannot help, there are others who can and will.

Do not give up – you do not need to go through this alone.

Once you have found someone, be honest:

  • Do not say anything you do not feel or believe just to please the helper
  • Do not promise anything you cannot or will not do
  • Take the time to find out what will really be of help to you.

If you do not know who to reach out to in your community, see the information on the right hand side of this page or look in the front of your local telephone book for distress or crisis lines, or suicide prevention centers. Trained helpers are available to assist you.

If the risk of suicide is immediate, call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number

Please note: LivingWorks offers these links to other websites as a source of further information. LivingWorks does not endorse, warrant, guarantee or necessarily represent the information or views of other organizations and/or other websites linked in this section.